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No New Posts The Laws of the Land

Rules and Regulations. These are imperative to read!

5 5 NEW Rules and Regulations (Updated 2/10/09)
by Halo
Jan 4, 2009 20:30:04 GMT -5
No New Posts Joining Forum

Inside is the appropriate form for the character you wish to RP.

Sub-boards: Equine Bios, Wolf Bios

11 11 Odette
by Dyzz-semi-back-
Jan 6, 2010 2:10:33 GMT -5
No New Posts Showing Hospitality

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335 352 Long Shadows |:| A Literate Warrior Cats Role-Play
by Crowstar
Jan 22, 2010 14:22:48 GMT -5

Members Only

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No New Posts General Chitty Chatty

This is for your OOC chatting pleasure.
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Announcements, Let the Games Begin, Welcome the Help of Others, Picture Happy

Sub-boards: Announcments, Let the Games Begin, Welcome the Help of Others, Picture Happy, Polls

2 2 Allo Everyone!
by »d.r.e.a.m [ღ]
Jan 13, 2010 6:22:11 GMT -5
No New Posts Characters

OOC Boards involving members' characters are here.

Sub-boards: Track Your Self Awareness, Down Through the Ages, Graveyard, Adoption Center

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No New Posts Plot Bunnies

These are the boards that are for different areas of plots on MoP.

Sub-boards: Plotting, Auditions for Positions

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No New Posts Farwell For Now

If you going to be away or quitting the site forever please let us know here so that your accounts aren't deleted. ;)

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No New Posts Who Can We Count On?

Activity checks are posted here. PCs may be deleted if you do not check in and your herds or packs can be challenged if you are gone to long w/out letting us know.

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No New Posts Confidential Talk

Staff MoP discussion.

19 109
No New Posts Archives

All old threads are moved here. If you and the people involved would like to revive a thread, message a staff member.

Sub-boards: OOC Archives, Profile Archives, RP Archives

525 3,225 The Set the Forest on Fire
by £€G@©Ÿ
Apr 24, 2009 20:02:36 GMT -5

Where the Magic Begins

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Icy Mountain - Make a Wish, Hope it Comes True


Icy Mountain is one of the tallest mountains of the whole valley. All year long, no matter what the weather is like in the valley, it is covered in snow and ice. It's a treachorous terrain, guarded by a white mare named Namid. They say that if you climb the mountain and call her name and she comes, that you can request one wish. Whether she grants it or not is another story.

Wishes Only!

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No New Posts Desert of Illusive Sands


The Desert is one of the largest stretches of desert in the valley.It has such an Illusion that you tend to see different terrains.This is where one of the guardians, Komi, stays.He plays many different games he will have you do quests which maybe be in vain but the rewards will be worth it that is if he rewards you ,he may grant you a wish, or he may even take your life without a second thought.What will it be?

Questing Only!

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No New Posts The Void - Surprises and Disasters

The steep cliffs along the northern mountain chain of the valley has been know only as The Void for a very long time now. There are certain places to get around, but with a steep and deadly drop. Why would any sane being wander around here? The name Void is not given only because of the dangerous drop. There are several portal that will take you to a dark world where a talented magician named Raed can form any scene he wants. He will give you a quest and you will fulfill it in the HOPES that you get the surprise instead of the disaster. Play the game at your own risk, Raed can be a tricky devil.

Surprises/Disasters Only!

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Love and Family

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No New Posts A Thief to Steal you Away

This board if for the stealing of foals and mares without a fight. The stallion doing the stealing will post a riddle. (He can state which herd he is stealing from but it is not a must.) If within two days the other lead stallion has not guessed correctly, the foal or mare is officially stolen. You can then post on the herd's board to take away the mare/foal.

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No New Posts Greenway Meadow

A large meadow in the valley where mares may come to be claimed and stallions come to find mares to add to their herds. Through the meadow there are spotted various trees, including apple trees and other various fruits. There is plenty to eat. A small creek runs through it, trickling into a small pond at the center and then flowing on.

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No New Posts Glitter Hideaway

The rolling pasture of tall grasses has a backdrop of a rocky outcrop filled with caves and dark corners to allow for the privacy right for love. But should you need light, there are areas of the caves that are lit by the ethereal glow, a glow with a source unknown. This is where breeding takes place. Though lots of times it is out of love, forcebreeding does happen, so beware. (No Graphic Breeding)

Equines Only

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No New Posts Sweet Firefly Meadow

The tall grasses sway gently in a soothing rustle of harmony, the array of wildflowers giving off a sweet and relaxing aroma. At night fireflies dance and hum. All is at peace. This is where a mother comes to give birth to her young. Only mares are allowed in this place unless a stallion is otherwise invited, to insure the safety of the mother and her baby. No Fighting allowed.

Note: Remember to get stats from a staff member at the sub-board before having your mare/female give birth.

Equines Only

Sub-board: Foal Stats

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No New Posts Clouded Waters

A soft wind blows causing the short grasses to dance. Beyond them, you see a pool of water, yet no sunlight glints off the surface-seemingly it is absorbed. Intrigued, you tentatively walk closer, your gaze never leaving that translucent, sheen that rests above the water.. The water does not move as the wind blows, rather in its own time. Come closer, closer! Perhaps you can here the lady in the lake, singing for her long lost lover to come rescue her. Listen long enough, and perhaps she may give you a hint at who your future mate might be...

This is where one comes to find a mate.

Wolves Only

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No New Posts Sunset Rocks

A place of many rocky hiding places and shallow caves that are always painted with the colors of the most beautiful of sunsets, their surfaces always warm and the air holding a sort of romantic softness. Canines come here to begin their families. (Remember to get your pups’ stats before your mother wolf gives birth her pack’s den.)

Wolves Only

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Rain of Blessings - Pup Stats

Sub-board: Pup Stats

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No New Posts Spiral Moon

Spiral Moon was once a great temple dedicated to the worship of an ancient moon goddess, placed upon the sandy shores of the third pad of Pup Paw Islands, somewhat dilapidated from age but the white that once bathed the stones still shines through feebly. It sits upon a pedestal of rock and can be reached by spiraling steps shaped like crescent moons, the edges decorated with precious jewels. The ceiling is open for the moonlight to shine down upon an altar, where offerings were once placed to commemorate the glory of the goddess, an equally beautiful piece of history.

This place is for couples to enjoy some quality time together, with many mysteries and secrets of the moon to unlock together with a little bit of a good adventure. There is an old tale that here you can find answers about your relationship, love, or other puzzling questions. But it could be just a rumor.

Couples Only/Wolves and Equines

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No New Posts Baby Firefly Field

Baby Firefly Field is a small section of Sweet Firefly Meadow where unwanted or abandoned foals and pups with no home or family can come to be adopted by a mare or female. Only mares and females can come here to adopt.

Mares/Females and Foals/Pups Only

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No New Posts Swan Lake

Swan Lake is a pretty lake, with large oak trees, and willow trees growing around it. Near the lake is a large crumbling structure, a castle humans used to live in. They say the area is full of all kinds of creatures and birds. But there is a rumor that comes with this land. It is said that any who come onto this land, in the dead of night will see an ivory, ghostly femme. Yes, even the prettiest of lands can be claimed to be haunted.

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the Light Kingdom

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No New Posts Symphony Falls

Symphony Falls is a beautiful place, full of music. But it’s a music of nature, from instruments not made by human hands but by the earth and its power. Meadows of tall grass and wild flowers whisper quiet melodies in the wind, a winding river cutting through of crystal blue and accompanying the wind with its burbling. Eventually the water drops off a drop and down into a lake that shines with rainbows by day and the moon by night. The lands about the lake, too, are one and the same territory and can be reached by the gentler slopes round the waterfall. There is grazing about the lake and also trees for shelter and for food. It’s heaven for a horse and though there are dangers of the wild, the terra is jealously guarded.

King: None
Queen: None
Heir: None
Heiress: None

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No New Posts Emerald Twilight Glade

The shape of the land of the Emerald Twilight Glade is like a big scoop out of the earth with a gentle slope downhill towards a flat center. The habitat consists of a forest with array of different kinds of trees, barely any brush to take up space, and an open meadow at its center. Because of the angle of the land, all the water when it rains or the snow melts runs to the center of the meadow where a pond has formed. The pond’s waters glow and sparkle, day and night, and are rumored to have healing properties.

Alpha Male: None
Alpha Female: None
Heir: None

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the Neutral Kingdom

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No New Posts Cutberry Downs

The Downs consists of a large valley of gently rolling hills and large expanses of meadows. Low mountains creating a border around the territory are often hidden by fog but protect the valley from the harsher weather. Around the meadows are pockets of trees mostly growing along small creeks tumbling down from the mountains. The land is suited well for equines that don't mind being in the open. The equines here are strong but recluse and weary of strangers. All those seeking to join the herd had best tread with caution.

King: Calico
Queen: None
Heir: Amador

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No New Posts Stone Frost

Your paws leave slight imprints in the thin layer of snow that covers the rocky mountainside. Pines and evergreens have escorted you deeper and deeper into the territory. The sky always seems to be cloudy, and the harsh wind bites at your fur. Prey is out on the rock, collecting food and being hunted. You realize how cold and it is, and then it strikes you that this is only the summer. The winter is even more harsh. Prey is scarce, and the snow is up half of your leg. The snow falling from the sky is whipping around your face as the fierce wind drives it. The river that runs through the middle of the territory, the one that is the main water source, is covered with a very thin layer of ice. Below the layer, is a rushing river of freezing cold water. If one fell in it, one would surely die of cold. The center of the territory is surrounded by evergreens, and therefore, provides the most shelter. This is where the pack lives. The dens are usually shallow holes dug at the bases of the trees, and the Alphas sleep in a shallow hole under a rock that provides shelter. On that rock, they can call the pack to gather for a meeting or discussion. The rest of the wolves, brute or she-wolf, has to find shelter wherever they can. The pack lives in a harsh enviroment that is always challenging their skills of survival.

Alpha Male: None
Alpha Female: None
Heir: None

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the Dark Kingdom

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No New Posts Highlands of Darkened Frost

Darken frost is a terra encompassing the highlands of the north, including one of the larger snowy mountains of the chain and the wintery hills at its feet. It is a frozen winter wonderland; even in the warmer temperatures of spring and summer there is always a thin layer of snow on the ground. There are several crops of trees round and about for protection from the elements and a frozen creek pools in a low spot amongst the hilly terrain. You need to break the layer of ice with your hooves, but it’s not a difficult task most of the time. The trees look almost crystallized and round and about large, dark purple and black crystals jut up from the earth.

King: Grim Reaper
Queen: None
Heir: None

1 2 this is my [temporary home] {grim}
by Dyzz-semi-back-
Jan 2, 2010 18:35:47 GMT -5
No New Posts Blood Red Moon

Description Coming

Alpha Male: None
Alpha Female: None
Heir: None

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the Integrated Kingdom

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No New Posts Lake Rodocia

A large, shallow lake surrounded by rolling, grassy hills. It's exceedingly warm, and a long sand beach lines one edge, and the opposite side has steep sandy cliffs. Several large chunks of unknown rock are strewn about the landscape.

King: None
Queen: None
Heir: None

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No New Posts Celestial Terrace

Celestial Terrace is teaming with life, ranging from the wildlife to the flora and fauna that thrives in the entire area.

The area offers different types of landscape but it’s obviously known for its impressive Terraces. When entering the Eastern Land one can feel the magic in the air and the fact that there’s a new Alpha in town only enhances that feeling.

Alpha Male: None
Alpha Female: None
Heir: None

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No New Posts Asteria Mountains

These crystal-like mountains surround almost the entire forest and grass lands. Not only does the iced coating here and there make these mountains glitter of asterism; but the stone itself is one large crystal. Under the moonlight, and in certain rays of sunlight it takes on a colorful, irridescent affect. Many caves and caverns, ledges and cliffs make homes for the many wild cats that live here.

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No New Posts Hunting Grounds

This land is for wolves to hunt in. Though a wolf may hunt just about anywhere, this is the only place where big game can be hunted. There is both forests and meadows to hunt in as well as a small pond where fish might be caught. Please keep in mind that big game requires more than one set of jaws.

Wolves Only

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No New Posts Echo Summit

Echo Summit is a shorter mountain stationed at the center of the valley of Penori. Here is where a horse may come to call others to them to request hairs for the quests. Fighting is allowed here.

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No New Posts Black Hills

The Black Hills lie on the east side of winter forest, sharper slopes and rougher terrain, though once the same territory. But this half was one ravaged by Burning Peak, its soils covered in molten rock and its trees forever standing burnt and lifeless, though they say beneath the stone plains fertile soil awaits. But for now, whatever life tries to spring up finds itself hard put to survive, but it is slowly returning to the now barren wasteland. Stallions, males and colts roam these parts and no mare, filly, or female dare trespass.

Wolves and Equines - Males/Stallions/Colts Only

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No New Posts Burning Peak

There is a mountain in Penori that often erupts smoke and ash, sometimes molten rock. It’s slopes are filled with paths cut into its surface and many cliffs. At its feet lays a field of lava rock where only the toughest of plant life can break through and find life. On the east side of the field is a section of the Deadwood Forest, claimed by the dark loners. This place is not for the faint of heart and is often where those dark of intent come to play.

Wolves and Equines - Darks Only

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No New Posts Charmed Shoreline

Just beyond the edge of the mountains lies what we believe to be an ocean (believe because rarely do we venture beyond our safe world). The sands are white, the breeze is right, and the waters are beautiful. Welcome all to meet together.

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No New Posts Circle of War

The Circle of War is actually a small forest. At the center is a large, perfect circle where much battling takes place. Onlookers can take positions in the trees outside the circle to watch.

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No New Posts Crystal Sky Bay

The bay is located somewhere down the Charmed Shoreline’s beach, though nobody knows where it is except the neutrals. The waters are so clear they reflect the sky in a fascinatingly marvelous way. Farther up the beach there is plenty of grazing and shade. And all is still and peaceful, no one to bother those of the pacifist stand.

Wolves and Equines - Neutrals Only

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No New Posts Entrapment Hollow

Entrapment Hollow is at the base of the eastern side of the southern mountain range that makes up half the valley. It is a small forest in the shadow of the mountain and is very dark within, hiding a deadly secret. This is the only part of Penori that still holds the dangers of the human invasion of long ago, still housing many of the traps that had been left. Be careful when entering here.

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No New Posts Garden Swamp

Garden Swamp is like the twin of Fog Marsh, though they don't look alike. It lies along the Diamond Rapids and against the south side of the Fog Marsh, the north side of the Water Meadows. It is filled with many strange and colorful plants, animals and insects that can’t be found anywhere else in all of Penori, but the waters are drugging so it is suggested that one doesn’t drink or swing within the enigmatic and murky waters. The terrain can be crossed, though, by soggy, sandy paths that finger their way through the deadly swamp to allow eyes to be fascinated by the new environment.

Wolves Only

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No New Posts Grass Lands

This territory is pretty much self explanatory. It's a vast stretch of land covered almost completely in tall swaying grass. Here and there a scraggly, lone tree will come into view.

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No New Posts Lackadaisy Brook

This brook runs by both the Winter Forest and the Black Hills. It is surrounded by soft grass, pretty flowers, and shady trees. The water itself is shallow, and the current gentle, with little risk of little ones drowning. So it has become a place where pups and foals can get away from their parents and experience some of their own freedom and individuality.

Wolves and Equines - Pups/Foals Only

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No New Posts Lake of Glass Diamonds

The watering hole is a large open land covered in tall meadow grasses and many trees for shade. At the center is a huge lake that seems to constantly shine like innumerable jewels. They say at the bottom you can find gems, but who knows for sure. Here is where all horses can come, all are welcome.

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No New Posts Midnight Crimson Cliffs

The cliffs are located in the southern mountain range, rocky faces jutting out at odd angles from the mountain side, providing a dangerous place for battle. The rocks are stained red with blood spilt from many battles. As if the gods themselves encourage a good fight, the skies will turn dark and crimson, shifting the wind in a cheery for the combatants.

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No New Posts Rainbow Jewel Labyrinth

Through the northern mounts is a network of tunnels and caverns, a maze of beautiful tunnels glittering with ice structures and precious gemstones embedded in the living rock There are markings on the wall, pointing the way out or in or to something special. There are openings in the ‘ceiling’ and walls where air and weather have a chance to get in, so snow is not uncommonly found littering the cave floors. (Fun Note: Was once called the Snowy Glitter Caverns by the wolves.)

Wolves and Equine - Lights Only

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No New Posts Sacred Grounds

The Sacred Grounds are a burial ground for the wolves' ancestors, the ones who had died during the human invasion before the great fires. It is an cavern in the Emerald Forest that can only be reached through a hole in the earth, stone steps floating on thin air to allow one to go down. Here is where the bones of many lie, including the great dark guardian, Kona. Regard this holy place as sacred and with great respect or risk angering the ancestors and bringing calamity down upon your head.

Wolves Only

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No New Posts Stick 'em Up Desert

Stick 'em up Desert is attached to the Desert of Illusive Sands (in In Character Activites). The only life that is out here is the cacti, thus the name stick 'em up for their prickly personality. There is little water to be found and many of the oasis' are toxic due to poisons from an unknown source. Most of the earth is cracked and dry, but the southern half is shifty with sand. Do you dare try to cross it? Many horses lose their lives, or is that why you sought this place out?

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No New Posts The Fog Marsh

That is the only name any have ever been able to give this soggy place as it is all most ever see. There are soggy paths through it, but they are hard to find and it is easy to take a misstep and fall into the clinging waters, mud, and mire. The trees sweem to whisper a deathly dirge, fog clinging to their loosely clothed limbs like old, rotten cloths. And from the murky waters golden eyes of large reptiles watch any who dare slip in. Watch out that they don't get you!

Equines Only

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No New Posts Tree Top City

Past the grass lands lies an enormous forest. It stretches for miles on end. Each tree grows so close together, the ground is hardly visible; causing travel upon it nearly impossible. However, the branches are extremely thick, making it very easy to walk on. They tangle into one another, making it even easier to cross over from tree to tree in just a few quick steps.

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No New Posts Underground Maze

When you walk onto this land, all you see is a huge dead forest. The dirt is so dark it's almost black. Most of the trees are charred from a fire long ago and are knocked down. The few left standing seem to sway with the wind and creak in the night. And are destined to fall at any moment. Not many know about the underground maze, because not many go to the dead lands, for lack of prey and the dangers that lurk there. Many legends have been said about ghosts, and trees toppling over on to unsuspecting pups killing them instantly to join the burnt graveyard. Ashes still cover the ground and tree trunks and there is no growth here what so ever. Only a few holes here and there lead to the underground. The land is said to be gaurded by the ghost of Ly, one of the most feared, yet respected wolves that first founded these lands before the terrible fire destroyed them. The underground maze was once a prison for captives, as well as a shelter for other wolves. Many dug out caverns create rooms, varying in size depending on what they are used for, and tunnels twist and turn in a maze-like fashion. It takes a very skilled wolf that has been here a while, to no the way through each tunnel. Under here the air is cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, and it's filled with prey, believe it or not; but usually small prey such as moles, and rats.

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No New Posts Whisper Pond

Whisper pond has a spell casted upon it to where creatyres can breathe under the lovely clear blue water. They can also talk under water, but through their minds. Only when completely under the water can they speak through each other's minds though.

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No New Posts Winter Forest

Wolves and Equines - Mares/Females Only

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